I am a recovering alcoholic. Thirty four years ago I faced addiction, turned my life around, and have not had any alcohol since. This should be considered a strength, but it also means there is a past. Prior to recovery, I was arrested several times for public intoxication and driving while intoxicated.
I was fortunate to have survived my drinking years without harming myself or anyone else physically, and have managed to make amends to all who I have harmed emotionally.
I have often said I believe in the power of people to learn from their mistakes and improve their lives. I guess I speak from experience. Recovery is a daily journey and I try to live each day with rigorous honesty and kindness to others. I am not perfect, but I try.
I did not find recovery on my own. The law, my friends and family all had a role in getting me to face my fears and change my life. Change can happen, but that rarely happens without help. Be that help.

You know people and families who are fighting addiction - some are trying to quit, some still need prodding to try. A word of encouragement or just a hug may be all that is needed to help someone through the day. A suggestion that there is another way may help someone find help. And there is help available. Here are some websites with helpful information and phone numbers staffed by people who have traveled the journey themselves:
The Council on Recovery, click here
Houston Intergroup Associations, click here
Texas Lawyers Assistance Program for the lawyers among you. click here